Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Los Iniciados

La Marca De Anubis (LP, Dro, 1982, Spain)

1. Obertura
2. La Marca De Anubis
3. La Comitiva Celeste
Maritatón y El Nilo
5. Isis y Osiris
7. Atlas
8. Mantis Religiosa
9. Ella Es Intangible
10. El Hombre Sin Nombre
11. Peter Pan
12. Soy El Vacio

Goofy Egyptian-themed side project of El Aviador Dro, I'm sure everyone's seen that video by now. Nice synth bloops and bleeps.

download here:
Los Iniciados - La Marca De Anubis


Fantasmi said...

this is sinister!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I have made a collection from different albums of theirs. There was something sinister and black to the band. Even amid the bloops and bleeps. That girl that looks up at you in the video is sexy though. You have to admit....


Anonymous said...

By the way, also, what was up with the ritualistic aspect of the los iniciadios project? I don't know any spanish, so Iam not sure what they are saying amid the weirdness. I was able to translate the name Los iniciadios to meaning something like" The Initiates". Was strange sister to aviador dro.


Anonymous said...

I like this album!

Marco Gélido said...

Vaya quien lo hubiera creio, por fin el disco tan buscado de Los Iniciados! solo habia podido conseguir un EP y me gusto tanto que comenze a buscar mas musica de ellos, gracias por esto, es un blog excelente.

saludos desde Lima-Perú

Justin Vaccaro said...

very nice indeed, thanks. and what a great cover!

Anonymous said...

C' est toujours un plaisir d' ecouter ces "Initiés" et se sentir initié soi même. Et ça va faire 20 ans que ça dure.
Un saludo a un amigo de la web: Marko Gélido. Existe a un otro disco de Los Inicidos que se llama "Todo Ubu" o " Ubu Rey" ne me lo recuerdo exactamentze, pero si lo encuentras, deja me el enlace.

To TimexPyres:
if you got any lp' s of tghe Initiates like Todo ubu or anithing else, please let me know on this page, i'd like to listen to it.

Encore merci pour "Los Iniciados" et tout le contenu de votre extraordinaire Blog

Antoine de Paris


Hummm.."Todo Ubu" is in this url:
I give this record for cranio :)